
Most setup is to be done on carla’s side of the bridge, in the file ${carla-ros-bridge}/conf/settings.yaml. Modify this file to add / remove sensors.

Camera image and information will be published on topics with the following format:

  • ${camera_name}/image_raw -> sensor_msgs/Image
  • ${camera_name}/camera_info -> sensor_msgs/CameraInfo (camera’s intrinsic parameters)

Vehicle information is published on /player_vehicle. Carla listens to control on /carla_control.


To run the bridge do everything in the order specified!!! Run the apollo part first:

dev_Start && dev_into && + modules: localization, perception, planning, routing, prediction, control
(in docker) cd ws_apollo_carla_bridge
(in docker) source devel/setup.bash
(in docker) rosrun apollo_carla_bridge

Now run the carla part:

start carla
cd ${carla_ros_bridge_ws}
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge client.launch

If you’ve done everything correctly, you should see the car in dreamview. :)